It is now dark. The mover backs up and makes several turns and then nothing. He has lost so much transmission fluid he can't go anymore. We need more transmission fluid.
It is almost 9 pm, we are in very small town, will the only auto parts store in town still be open? Without transmission fluid this baby is not going anywhere else on the lot.
My husband takes off and, of course, the auto part store is closed. Okay-I am not a fan of Wal Mart but thank goodness there is one here and they are open 24 hours. My husband (30 minutes later) brings back 10 quarts of transmission fluid. In a bunch of fluid goes and the truck is in action again. It is DARK. The building is BIG. We are in a wooded area and I am thinking soon we will see all kinds of things slithering like SNAKES, SCORPIONS etc. No slithering things show up-hmm guess the endless smell of leaking transmission fluid has kept all the animals away! Or, maybe, they are in the woods watching this thinking what idiots we humans are.
The building is finally going into position. The poor guys doing this-it is now after 10 pm and they are working by truck lights and flash lights. This is the last picture I got as I had to get home. My husband stayed and helped them "level" the building. They all left at about midnight.
I say "Let the transformation begin".
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