The first photo shows where they have to put this building. And yesterday was the day that the building would find it way to our wooded lot. It was suppose to arrive no later than 4 pm. 4 came and went with the mover telling us no problem on the way. Well, they had a few problems starting with the 2 escort guys no showed. So he had to scramble and find new ones, which just happen to cost us another $300.
They finally get rolling 3 hours later than scheduled and about one hour into the trip his transmission on his truck starts to leak! Mind you the building weighs 10,000 lbs. I am not a car mechanic but even I know this is really bad.
Now he had to find someone else with a truck that could haul this thing. Hours later they are back and on the road, snaking their way through every back road the transporation department could come up with. You see if you move a building this size, the state department of transportation must approve the move and they give you the route. Apparently, they used the most difficult, longest route possible doubling what would be the normal distance between the locations.
Well the day progresses, hours go by. My husband and I who have been patiently awaiting our baby decided we are going to go into town and get something to eat. It is now 6 hours past when it was due to arrive.
We are driving down the main road and what do we see coming over the hill-the big building! YAHOO. But the challenges only continue. They follow us to our lot-little do we know what has occurred already and what else will happen.
The picture above is the building arriving on our street!! Now for the next challenge.
Well the day progresses, hours go by. My husband and I who have been patiently awaiting our baby decided we are going to go into town and get something to eat. It is now 6 hours past when it was due to arrive.
We are driving down the main road and what do we see coming over the hill-the big building! YAHOO. But the challenges only continue. They follow us to our lot-little do we know what has occurred already and what else will happen.
The picture above is the building arriving on our street!! Now for the next challenge.
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