This is what is now the back of the cabin-use to be the front. It faces the wonderful view. Eventually there will be another window and a small deck.
Well Chris had wished he took a magic carpet ride earlier this week after he helped Ken rip out the seriously glued down carpet. Ah yes and of course no power yet so it was hot. But they started at 7 am when it was a cool 80 something. Yes it crippled his hands for a day or two.
Well earlier, I told you about the amazing guy that moved the building-he had a wooden leg and could do more than a person with two regular legs.
We are surely on small town time. Still waiting on the local electric company to hook us up-any day now......it is so stinkin hot you can only do so much-at least us wimps that is.
This weekend, if I don't pass out from heat stroke I plan to texture the walls. Not a pro at this but it will be an improvement. I also plan to hit the lake in the boat once the blazing sun sets.
We got the bed yesterday. Otherwise Craigslist finds are slim pickens these days.
Stay tuned. Oh yes-Chris said he loves to work in the blazing heat and would love to do more every day! Great weight loss program. Hey at least it is in the shade and on occasion you get a nice strong blast of a breeze blowing that cool 90-105 degree air over your sweaty body. But as they say, everything is relative, and that blast of hot air feels good!